About Us




 At the Rochester Japanese School, children are provided with basic training involving obtaining, maintaining, and improving Japanese language skills, while spending time in an all-Japanese-speaking environment.

Our program is mainly designed to facilitate the transition back to the Japanese school system and customs for Japanese children who temporarily live abroad through.

Although an adequate understanding of Japanese language is needed, non-Japanese students also benefit from our program as they are brought into contact with the culture of Japan on a weekly basis.

 The Rochester Japanese School is approved by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and operates as a non-profit organization in the United States.

Our Philosophy


 We have elementary and middle school classes. Students study and play together.

Our school is operated by the parents of the students, who contribute by working as board members, education support members, and event staff.

Our History

1988年10月15日  Xerox Corporationの施設を借り、小・中・高等部で発足 (富士ゼロックス(株)駐在員の子弟が多く、同社父兄が主体として運営) 

1993年4月  Christ Clarion Presbyterian Churchに移動 (Rochester大学や他企業の子弟が増加し、公共的教育機関として運営) 

1994年4月  幼稚部を設置 

1997年4月  幼稚部と高等部を廃止 (予算・先生の確保の観点から義務教育部分に重点)

1997年9月  NPOを取得

1999年4月  生徒数減少により一部複式授業を開始

2022年4月  Asbury First United Methodist Churchに移動(新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックの結果)


Oct 1988  -  Founded and operated in a Xerox facility by parents who were working for Fuji-Xerox

Apr 1993  -  Moved to Christ Clarion Presbyterian Church

Apr 1994  -  Opened kindergarten class

Apr 1997  -  Closed kindergarten and high school classes

Sep 1997  -  Acquired NPO status

Apr 1999  -  Began offering combined class instruction owing to decreased enrollment 

Apr 2022  -  Moved to Asbury First United Methodist Church